An Evening of Corn Gleaning

What a beautiful evening to glean corn – fresh air and sunshine! Once again Tom and I were at Etter’s cornfield near Marion PA gathering corn for The Gleaning Project. It’s a time to help more people in our community have access to fresh produce, in turn, helping our community to be healthier – a win-win. It’s time in the fields to meditate and count our blessings. It’s a time to keep moving – great physical activity. It’s a time for community gathering and to meet our neighbors. There were such a variety of gleaners, old and new faces, a wonderful turn out. I love to see so many young gleaners, one young man mentioned that he was 5 years old, they are such troopers…makes my heart full. 

Jay giving a quick tutorial on picking corn.
Jay giving a quick tutorial on picking corn.
BJ thick in the corn rows, looks like her bag's empty!
BJ thick in the corn rows, looks like her bag’s empty!
BJ and fellow gleaner Jerry, having fun like Jay told us! Be safe and have fun.

The Gleaning Project is a nonprofit effort to reduce food loss on local farms, and increase food security in our communities.

Not everybody has the time or schedule or physical ability to help with gathering the food but you can support this great nonprofit in other ways. They are holding a Glean-A-Mania, it is a new and exciting way to support The Gleaning Project. They state on their website, “The idea is simple. We’re asking our community members to pledge a penny for each pound of produce that we glean during one super week in September. (September 9-15)” See detail here at The Gleaning Project.

As I write this post, Tom is off again, geaning peaches, this is the season. Support this terrific community endeavor by helping The Gleaning Project!