Blueberries – T’is that Season

Blueberries are an antioxidant superfood… they are packed with phytonutrients with plenty of potassium, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6 – truly heart healthy. They are anti-inflammatory, contain fiber and are lo-cal. Just looking at blueberries, you know they are wonderful nuggets of nature. Don’t you just love the blue color, the beautiful shape and the natural sweetness. 

They are so versatile, use in breakfast cereal, add to salads and sweeten desserts. I am working on a new book containing pies and cakes, I have enjoyed using fresh blueberries to make blueberry pies and cakes.

Shown below are a few recipes that I’m currently working on. 

BLUEBERRY CAKE: Using up fresh blueberries. Topped with blueberries, this cake makes a special healthy whole foods, plant-based dessert.
BLUEBERRY PIE: Testing various fresh blueberries and ingredients. The blueberries were so sweet they only needed a little help. Here is a small 6 inch crustless pie. It was fabulous tasting with plenty of nutrients!